Compaction Equipment

Hand Tamper 10"x10"
Manual Hand Tamper
Rates starting at $4.50
Affordable Day/Week rates available

Rammer/Jumping Jack Tamper
Features & Benefits:
Extremely light weight
Superior Shock Isolation System Lowers Vibration Level at Operator Handle
All-in-One Fuel Off Lever and Engine Stop Switch
Diaphragm Carburation
Rates starting at $58.00
Affordable Day/Week/Month rates are available

Vibratory Plate Compactor
Perfect for stone, gravel and paver compaction
Patented sprinkler system dispenses a sheet of water uniformly across the base to prevent asphalt from sticking and helps reduce dust in dirt applications.
Self-cleaning open base plate design eliminates dirt build up. Reduces maintenance and increases uptime.
Kevlar belt mounted on an offset sheave greatly reduces belt stress and extends the belt life.
Heavy-duty dual stage shock mounts provide superior vibration isolation to the engine and components. Helps prevent component wear and reduces operator stress and fatigue.
Rates starting at $69.00
Affordable Day/Week/Month rates are available
NOTE: Prices displayed do not include sales tax or damage waiver.